Hey my beauty lovers,

As some of you might know, this year I decided to go back to my natural nails (I’m so happy I did because during this quarantine time it would be so difficult to get my nails filled in).

 I always had healthy nails guys, but I have been a fan of changing my nails into any shape I wanted and that was only possible by sculpting my nails, where, nail care was not something to worry about and honestly, after removing the acrylic I have made so many mistakes during the process of learning how to take care of my natural nails properly. So, after 4 months of reading a lot and asking for the best advice from nail experts, here, I have an arsenal of information I would like to share with you:

Signs that scream healthy nails !

  • Prominent half-moon shaped/white section at nail base
  • No dark lines on your nails
  • You have cuticles
  • A nice healthy nail will have a pinkish color
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Signs that you have unhealthy nails:

  • Horizontal ridges
  • Skin around the nail is red and puffy
  • white spots
  • Spoon shaped nails
  • Peeling or splitting nails

Things you are doing that are damaging your natural nails

Washing the dishes without using gloves:

We use very cold or hot water when we wash our dishes. And that is not good for our nails and our skin. This leads to drying them out and making them soft and brittle. Not to mention using strong soaps that will even make your skin and nails ever drier!
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Using acetone-based polish removers:

Acetone Polish Removers is a very powerful liquid to remove nail polishes. It is best to opt for the acetone/alcohol free polish removers so that we get to keep our natural oils from our skin and to prevent drying out our nails.

Chipping away your nail polish:

In doing this, you tend to remove the first layer of your nail, since the polish is still attached to your nail. Which will make your nails weak and thinner. You will have to wait a long time for your nails to grow back healthy, 6 months to be exact.
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Using your nails as tools:

Nails are given to us to be used as tools. They are not strong enough to handle normal tasks like opening a soda can. Always practice using the pads of your fingers. Wear protective gear like gloves when washing, gardening or any activities that can damage your nails and skin.
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Cutting your cuticles:

the cuticle is the invisible layer of dead skin cells at the base of the nail you need to be much more gentle with as it is living tissue. It is absolutely fine to push it back and this is best done after a shower or bath, or in the salon with professional equipment to avoid damage or splitting.
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Bitting your nails:

It can make your nails grow a weird and different shape. If you damage the living tissue around your nails, they may stop growing the proper way. Your hands are also filled with dirt, germs, and bacteria and it usually stays underneath your nails.
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Not cleaning your nails properly:

keeping your nails long and not clipping your nails regularly can cause bacterial infection since most bacteria or germs hide or accumulate under your nails.
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Not disinfecting your nail tools:

We as humans carry bacteria on our bodies that when exposed to a cut in our skin, can potentially cause painful infections.

Spending a lot of time at the pool:

Your nails in particular become brittle when submerged long under water.
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Leaving your nail polish on for too long:

Keeping your nail polish on for too long, more than 2 weeks, is that the pigment in the nail polish can soak into the top few layers of the nail and dry it out.
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Buffing your nails for too long:

Buffing too often may possibly strip the top layer and weaken the nails. It is best to do it once a week or once every two weeks.
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Hope all this information I shared with you today was helpful, because learning what is good and bad for my nails has helped my nails so much. Let me know in the comments what changes are you making after reading this post!

Xoxo Sherry.

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Sherry Maldonado
How to keep natural healthy nails
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