Hey, my hair lovers! I’m so excited about sharing these delicious recipes since you always keep asking me “how do you keep your hair healthy?”
Honestly, I can list you here a lot of amazing hair treatments out there, that will make your hair shine from the outside. However, it is best to take care of your hair from the inside.
The best thing you can do to make your hair grow faster is having proper nutrition. Your body distributes vitamins helping your skin and hair. For this, I’m bringing you some nice smoothies that have essentials for your hair.
They can easily be included in your morning breakfast, an afternoon snack or in the evening as part of your dinner. You don’t have to drink it every day but if you want noticeable results, you have to be consistent.
1 medium cucumber peeled and seedless.
1 spoonful of mint (15 grs).
½ glass of water (125 ml).
Blend the three ingredients and drink immediately. You can add an ice cube to refresh and change the water for mineral water to give it a different touch.
Why cucumber and mint?🍸
It provides potassium, sulfur, and manganese. These minerals improve hair health. For its part, mint is ideal for thick hair, regulates the pH avoiding dryness and strengthens and cleanses the scalp.
1 piece of natural pineapple
3 tablespoons of natural aloe vera juice (45 ml).
1 piece of natural pineapple
3 tablespoons of natural aloe vera juice (45 ml)
Why pineapple and mint?🍹
Pineapple and aloe vera is a powerful combination that helps greatly with hair loss. Due to the vitamins, it contains favor hair growth. The enzymes present in this juice fight dandruff off and hydrate the scalp. On the other hand, pineapple helps hair growth due to its micronutrients.
Remember that if you want healthy hair you have to start taking care of it from the inside. Try to consume foods that are rich in vitamins. This will be beneficial for the hair so I invite you to do more research on this. Start by adding more beneficial foods to your diet.
Exercising is also super important, I must confess that when my hair grew the most, it was around the time where I used to train a lot at the gym. Truly having a super healthy diet, made my hair grow a lot faster and stronger, so good food and exercise are the best.
So I advise you – take care of your hair from inside and outside is the best to have a dreamy hair!
A cold smoothie is nice for a refreshing afternoon on a hot day, delicious and healthy!
Did you try it out? Any thoughts comment below!
Best vibes
<3 Sherry
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