Bandannas through history.

Bandannas have been around 200 years! Just take a look at what pirates and cowboys wear they have tracked all the way from the 1500s. Back in the old days, people used to wear bandannas to avoid sweat and dust, now it became a fashion accessory!

They originate from India The Hindi words ‘bāndhnū,’ (which means tie-dyeing) and ‘bāndhnā (which means to tie).

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bandannas still used as a medium of promotion today.
Tropical vibes
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Well, it really is a nice piece that can give off a very chic easy-going summer look ~ it also you from the sun, dust and avoids your hair being a mess or falling apart.

Bandannas are so versatile so even if you take them off at the beach you might find other uses for it.

Couple this look with some sunglasses and you’re fine as hell to head out.
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Sherry Maldonado
How to style your bandannas?
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